We help Diverging and Emerging Leaders to build a culture where everyone realises their full leadership potential by training them to step into their Inner and Sensing Leader, and Leading from Behind, Beside and in Front.
Creating Inner Leadership in your organisation
Having worked with businesses for many years supporting them on how to develop and grow their leadership talent, it struck us that there still is an assumption that leaders ‘have to be made’ rather than ‘leaders are everywhere’.
Our approach to Inner Leadership development is recognising everyone’s innate leadership capabilities and providing them with the tools to ‘be’ and ‘do’ leadership to be able to feel more empowered, motivated, inspired to ‘step up’ to being a leader, and ‘step back’ from leadership over-control.
Our leadership training helps each role to operate more strategically and operationally, by building their confidence, focus and understanding of the legacy they are creating through our 5 positions of leadership training, and our bitesize offerings.
The Being and Doing of Leadership is now a blended learning programme for you and your team. To find out more, take our 5 days of leadership Challenges giving you an insight into the 5 positions of leadership for both your Emerging and Diverging Leaders.
5 positions of leadership in 6 days over 6 months
For full details of our content, ask for our overview.
What is it?
The starting place for any leader is to explore the Being of Leadership, who you are by clarifying personal aspirations, motivations and understanding your impact on others. The Doing of Leadership explores the ‘visible’ positions of leadership via experiential learning, transferable tools, and reflective practices. Accessing both ‘invisible and visible knowledge’ of leadership is the foundation for becoming an agile and flexible leader.
This 6-day programme supports Emerging Leaders in your organisation to explore:
The Being of Leadership. These two and a half days gets them ‘ready to lead’ and to develop their awareness of the ‘invisible’ leadership strengths of who they fundamentally are, their Inner Leader, and what they intuitively know or sense in their working world, the Sensing Leader.
The Doing of Leadership. The journey to becoming an Emerging Leader looks at the ‘visible’ skills, attitudes, and tools over three days of interactive, reflective, and leadership development. They will learn to become a Leader from Behind, Leader Beside, and Leader in Front. Their final half-day will be bringing it all together, as they presentation their key learnings to fellow attendees along with invited colleagues, followed by a self-designed celebration.
The workshops are hybrid with access to our eLearning platform for pre and post workshop material. Then in-person training that is interactive, reflective and provides your team with learning from current personal, professional, and leadership thinkers. The typical duration time is between 6 – 8 months. Ask for a copy of our brochure,
Who is it for?
Emerging Leaders are:
- new to a supervisory or management role
- they may or may not have direct reports
- have some project lead responsibility
- and may be lacking in experience in managing people and projects
Get in touch to find out how we can bring this programme in-house for you, or arrange a Zoom chat. In the meantime, why not ask us or our FREE Inner Leader workbook.
Looking for a joint programme for smaller teams – mixing Emerging and Diverging leaders in one programme? Then we can provide a Joint Being and Doing of Leadership programme for smaller teams, in smaller organisations. Again, get in touch for a chat.
5 positions of leadership in 6 days over 6 months – in-house and open
For full details of our content, ask for our overview or take our 5 Day Leadership Challenge – and get your money back when you book onto the full course within a year. What have you got to lose!
What is it?
The starting place for any senior leader is to explore the Being of Leadership, who they are by clarifying personal aspirations, motivations and understanding their impact on others. Something they often consider for others, but not always about themselves. The Doing of Leadership explores the ‘visible’ positions of leadership via experiential learning, transferable tools, and reflective practices. Accessing both ‘invisible and visible knowledge’ of leadership is the foundation for becoming an agile and flexible leader for today.
This 6-day programme supports your Diverging Leaders in your organisation to explore:
The Being of Leadership. These two and a half days help your leaders to get ready to ‘let go of control’ and to develop their awareness of their ‘invisible’ leadership strengths of who they fundamentally are, their Inner Leader, and what they intuitively know or sense in the working world, the Sensing Leader.
The Doing of Leadership. The journey of becoming a Diverging Leader also looks at the ‘visible’ skills, attitudes, and tools over three days of interactive, reflective, and leadership development. They will start at their default position of Leader in Front, before exploring how to collaborate more with Leader Beside, and take a more coach-approach with Leader Behind. Their final half-day will be bringing all the learning together and culminate with a celebration of their choosing.
The workshops will be interactive, reflective and provide you learning into current personal, professional, and leadership thinking. The typical duration time is 6 – 8 months months. Ask for a copy of our brochure.
Who is it for?
Diverging Leaders are:
- managing a large team or department
- may be a Director, Senior Manager or CEO of the business for the past 5 years
- someone who wants to take a more coach-approach to leadership
- and they may be looking to bring on their team by delegating, and ultimately learning to let go of control
The programme will combine pre and post workshop material via our E-Learning platform alongside in-person training.
Get in touch to find out how we can bring this programme in-house, speak with Kate.
Looking for a joint programme for smaller teams – mixing Diverging and Emerging leaders in one programme? Then we can provide a Joint Being and Doing of Leadership programme for smaller teams, in smaller organisations. Again, get in touch for a chat.

Short, sharp, and effective leadership training
As the world has moved to virtual training and businesses are ever juggling time and money, Kapow Coaching is able to offer you and your organisation bite-sized training sessions. Sessions can be run as 30-minute webinars, 60-90-minute lunch and learn, or half a day of interactive in-person training – times, platform choice, and in-person is up to you.
Our most requested leadership offerings are:
From our eLearning Catalogue:
- Free demo of the 5 Day Leadership Challenge
- 5 Day Leadership Challenge, self led learning
30 – 90 Minute online training:
- Fierce Compassionate Leadership
- Daring to be Vulnerable
- Understanding your Negative Mind
Half Day in person or online training:
- Getting ready for Values
- How to have Difficult Conversations
- Generational Differences and Team Effectiveness
- Understanding Team Dynamics
- The Role of the Buddy at work (2 x half day in-person sessions)
We also can offer you some coaching-based training on:
- Mentoring Skills for Managers
- Coaching without Words
- Metaphors and Magical Questions
- Supportive Conversations – moving from ask to tell
- Think, Act and Feel More Confident
Keep checking back to find out what our latest bite-sized offerings are – or ask us if you have something in mind, and are looking for a Kapow Coaching twist on it. Or looking for something a bit longer? We can help with that too! You can book some time with Kate to chat about what we can offer, where, and how.

ith Zoom room live training.