Client and Kate Flory

Kapow Coaching offers intuitive, supportive and positive coaching for individuals and teams for discovery and action with our team of professional, qualified Co-Active Coaches.


Time to think out loud

Whether you call it business, executive, leadership or simply coaching – creating dedicated time to reflect and commit to pro-active action helps to facilitate changes in behaviour, attitudes and positive mental attitudes for both groups and individuals.

Our leadership Coaching supports individuals to tap into their motivations, triggers, values and innate strengths, and aspirations in order to feel more confident, committed, in control and better equipped to face life’s challenges.  Our range of Group Coaching provides core skills for teams to self manage, problem solve, be more supportive and challenging thinking, as well as to work towards a common goal.  Our Coaching Training provides foundational tools towards individuals and organisations taking a coach-approach to conversations at work, learning how to listen more, talk less and empower others in coming up with their own solutions.

With my team of Co-Active certified professional coaches, we offer Leadership Coaching, Team Coaching, Action Learning as well Curious Conversations training – giving you dedicated time for positive transformation using reflective practices as well as pro-active action.

Coaching is at the heart of what we do and our coaching style puts you – our client – at the heart of your personal and professional journey.

Ask us for a FREE sample coaching session today.

“I recently took part in 2 coaching sessions with Kate where were of great help, especially under the current climate and so much uncertainty.  She digs into what you need to move forward and how to make this manageable and set realistic goals, targets.  I would certainly work with Kate again and recommend her service to others.”  Manager

(Leadership Coaching)

“Action learning is a good way to explore ideas and thoughts in an environment which allows for some “off the wall” thinking without feeling that you need to commit to anything until you’ve weighed up all the options.  The set members are neutral and will always challenge constructively and sensitively and the decisions you reach at the end will be well thought through.” Manager

(Virtual Action Learning)

“It was fantastic – great balance of theory and practice and input from the facilitators Kate and Gwynneth. It puts your conversation into a meaningful and productive manner. Very useful challenging and curious!  I found it informative and very thought provoking.” Manager

(Curious Conversations)

“Beneficial to all people manager and senior management team – especially in sales roles within recruitment these tools can also be used by recruitment consultants when speaking to their candidates and clients externally” Director

(Curious Conversations)

“The coaching session has helped me learn greatly about my inner self and not to be so hard on myself or play down the qualities that make me.  Greatly improved my problem-solving and decision-making by drawing up a wheel/pie chart that has made my decisions more thoughtful, thorough and of less knee-jerk type.  My self-confidence has also definitely benefitted directly from the coaching sessions.”  Pre-Construction Director

(Leadership Coaching)

“I was very fortunate to be offered some coaching sessions with Gywnneth this year and have found these incredibly worthwhile. Gywnneth created a safe and supportive environment and asked very thought provoking questions that resulted in me being able to create an effective action plan not only to drive my young business forward but also allowed me to reflect on my own personal growth. The sessions were enlightening and helped me unravel barriers to my personal/business progression and Gwynneth’s kind and supportive nature and use of questioning helped guided me on a path of achievable change. I am so grateful for the opportunity to work with Gwynneth and can not recommend her enough.” Michelle Fraser, MD

(Leadership Coaching)

“I found Kate was able to help explore ideas, thoughts and emotions in a way which was thought provoking allowing for solutions to be discussed. As a result of my sessions with Kate, I have learnt valuable coaching techniques which will help me to connect with people better, reflect and look for positives in frustrating situations and understand how emotions can affect people.  I would have no doubt working with Kate in the future and would highly recommend her service.”  Del Kaiser, Snr Operations Manager

(Leadership Coaching)

“With help from Scottish Government Supporting Communities Funding, we were able to engage Kate to run four Action Learning sets for Third Sector leaders from across the Scottish Borders. Kate worked with the groups as they grappled with the complexities of managing organisations and services at the height of the pandemic. These sets provided space for focussed peer support and learning at a time when many managers felt ‘at sea’ with an ever-changing landscape and many new demands. The work was invaluable and three of the sets have continued to meet and provide support informally.” Jenny Haines, Senior Community Development Officer, Berwickshire Association of Voluntary Services (Bavs)

(Virtual Action Learning)
Coaching Programmes

Leadership Coaching

Dedicated space for insight and growth

Emerging and Diverging Leaders within an organisation will always benefit from the support of an external Leadership Coach. In our experience most senior businessmen and women, reach a point in their career where they get the collywobbles from one or all of these 5 C’s:

  • Being that certain age (and you’ll know what I mean if you are)
  • Navigating through cultural change (either imposed or chosen by them)
  • Having a crisis of confidence or feeling like an imposter (and not feeling confident about their role as a leader)
  • Being unsure of how to have challenging conversations with colleagues or peers
  • Having to make uncomfortable choices, whether personally or professionally.

Having coached many Emerging and Diverging business leaders over the past decades, we know that leaders often share that feeling of being lonely at the top, having to put on a brave face, mask their low confidence and sense of certainty, something that many leaders face at some point in their career.

Coaching helps leaders to start to reconnect with what made them feel proud and passionate about being that business leader, and reconnect with what their inner strengths and expertise they have to offer.

Coaching offers a confidential and dedicated space to reflect, review and rehearse next steps, conversations or processes.

Coaching deepens leaders’ emotional intelligence, helping them to raise their self-awareness, to stretch out of their comfort zone, and to feel compassionately challenged.

Contact us today to ask us any burning questions about coaching, or feeling ready, book your free one-hour sample session and begin to reconnect and realign yourself as a leader, to not only thrive but to shine and inspire the next generation of leaders.

Kate coaching while sitting on a bench.

Team Coaching

Collaborative focus, learning and improved performance

As budgets for organisations are shrinking, there is becoming a move towards making coaching ‘team-centric’ to help teams become more agile, effective, and engaged within their organisation and wider community.

What is it?

Team coaching helps to facilitate a process that enables a team of people to experience collective learning together through honest discussions, reflections and shared personal and group focus and goals.  It addresses the challenges that arise from the dynamic structure and culture of teams, rather than focusing on individual leaders.  And, it encourages looking at the effectiveness of the team through the wider lens of stakeholders and community.

How does it work?

Pre-training for the group helps to up-skill teams on listening and questioning skills as well as to collectively define their common learning.  This can be anything from half a day to 2 days, depending on the group.

Unlike an Action Learning Set, the function of Team Coaching is to focus on the group’s collective goal, performance and insightful learning in order to develop their skills and behaviours for the betterment of the organisation. Learning vs achieving goals gets to the heart of the team and helps develop lasting behaviours, beliefs and attitudes.

For best impact, sessions are typically between 90 minutes and 2 hours.  Team Coaching is facilitated by two coaches, providing maximum group support for the group.  The sessions may include 4 D Modelling, team diagnostics, observational feedback, training, as well as group coaching.

Get in touch with us to find out more or book your free 15-minute chat with Kate Flory.

Coaching in the board room.     


Learning to listen, learn, and not give advice

Following a coach-approach, Action Learning utilises the skills of active listening, questioning, support, challenge, inspiration, reflection, and action; all within a safe and confidential space. It offers a process for people, groups, and organisations to resolve real issues and problems in real-time and to provide a system of accountability that supports action based learning.

What is Action Learning?

Whether run virtually or on-site, the Action Learning process develops leadership skills, decision-making, and creative problem-solving, and it helps to create trust and deepens relationships within the Set. In addition, it develops individuals on a personal and professional level by regular use of:

• Asking powerful and focused questions
• Developing creative and open-minded solutions
• Managing complex issues
• Sharing experiences and finding commonalities
• Bringing new perspectives and problem-solving solutions to a real situation

How does it work?

The Action Learning process typically has between 5 and 7 set members, but within the virtual arena, this is reduced to 5 or 6.

Each Action Learning Set (ALS) is made up of the facilitator (the external coach), the Set Members who in turn becomes the Issue Holder and experience how to find their personal solution through the insightful questions, observations, and reflections of the set. Depending on the group’s needs, supporting training is woven through the session to raise the level of listening, feedback, challenging and questioning abilities.

Action Learning Sets are run over 6 sessions every 3 to 5 weeks and can last 2.5 hours to half days, depending on whether run virtually or on-site. Some sets may choose to continue after the 6 sessions with or without the facilitator.

The ALS cycle.  ALS can be individually or team-focused.

Get in touch to find out more, or why not go deeper with coach-based skills with our Curious Conversations programme, helping managers have Curious, Challenging, Compassionate, Courageous, Creative, and Championing conversations at work. We’re always happy to chat – so book a 15-minute chat with Kate today.

Curious Conversations

6 coaching conversations in 4 days (live programme)
Plus, online E-learning support material

 People learning through team games.                  Kate and Gwynneth coaching.

You don’t need to be a coach to have coaching conversations at work.  But you do need to learn coaching skills.

What is it?

Curious Conversations promises a head, heart and hand experience for managers to learn the core coaching skills and other techniques to have Curious, Challenging, Championing, Creative, Courageous and Compassionate Conversations in the context of everyday work.  Conversations that most managers have on a weekly basis, but don’t need a coaching qualification to have them.  Helping you to move your organisation towards a coaching culture.

“65% of employees said they wanted more feedback” and “92% of people believe that constructive criticism is effective in improving performance.” (Oak Engage 2023)

How does it work?

Over 4 days of live training spread over 4 months, managers will learn how to:

  • improve their communication and relationship skills
  • improve the job satisfaction of staff and themselves
  • reduce conflict at work
  • develop new self-management techniques when dealing with difficult people and situations
  • use foundational coaching skills in a work context
  • feel more confident to ask vs tell
  • inspire others to have more positive solution focused conversations

This hybrid programme is delivered by two professionally Certified Co-Active Coaches.  Before and after each of the training days, additional coaching skills material is made available to deepen and stretch the learning of participants via our online eLearning platform.

As professional leadership coaches, coaching supervisors and trainers with decades of experience between us, we know that most managers are expected to take on the role of a coach, with little or no training and are invariably ill-prepared for the task. What they believe coaching is, or what they’ve experienced in the past, is a nicely framed instruction or a conversation based on someone else’s agenda. Not coaching at all.  Curious Conversations trains managers to not be coaches, but how to have coach-like conversations at work.

84% of workers say that coaching should be part of every business’s management and development programme. (City and Guilds research Nov 2018)

Curious conversations logo.

In-house Programmes
For groups from 8 to 20, run to your timetable and location.
Our Curious Conversations brochure will tell you more, and we’re always happy to chat with you to find out how we can support you, your team, and your organisation to have more coach-like conversations at work.