INSPIRING YOUR PERSONAL, PROFESSIONAL AND ORGANISATIONAL DEVELOPMENT. As Pablo Picasso said, “I am always doing that which I cannot do, in order that I may learn how to do it.”
Keep checking what we’ve currently got running in the way of free sessions, tasters and useful coaching and leadership resources. Click on the red text to follow the links.
We’ve got some great free offers and pocket-money priced bite-sized resources to share with you. We suggest you keep coming back to see what is on offer over the coming months! Oh and while you are here, remember to catch up on our current and past blogs, as some of them offer free Top Tips on our favourite topics of coaching, leadership, mental fitness and personal / professional development.
Online Learning – free and paid for
We know you don’t always have time to sign up for a long training or coaching programme, yet you are still keen to develop yourself. That’s why we’ve developed a Kapow Coaching online E-Learning catalogue, where you’ll find a range of 5-day Challenges to full 6-week programmes, designed to develop your skills in coaching, leadership or mental fitness. Take the courses at your own pace and, even better, you can try before you buy!
We have free demos for: Curious Conversations, 5 Day Leadership Challenge, Mental Fitness HIIT, Resilience Part 1, and Resilience Part 2. For past Positive Intelligence attendees only.
As well as paid for sessions for Curious Conversations, 5 Day Leadership Challenge, Mental Fitness HIIT, Resilience Part 1 and Resilience Part 2. For past Positive Intelligence attendees only. Prices start at £35 per person.
Sign up for our free weekly newsletter, filled with top tips, reflections, and suggestions around how to bring more coaching skills, leadership qualities, and improved mental fitness into your life.
Our Friday coffee catch-ups aim to inspire you, your team, and your organisation. Ask us to add you to our Newsletter mailing list.
Free Coaching
Feeling a bit stuck, having a wobble in your confidence or looking to make some brave decisions? Have you been thinking about coaching as the solution? Then book your free 1-hour sample coaching session with Kate. Or contact us about receiving a free sample with one of our other Co-Active Coaches, giving you a no-obligation opportunity to experience our style of coaching, and come away feeling clearer, calmer and more confident. Some call it a ‘chemistry session’ to see if there is a good fit – whatever you call it, it’s a chance to explore if coaching is for you.
Book your coaching session today.
Free Assessment
Measure your Mental Fitness in this free online assessment. Find out your personal Positive Intelligence (PQ) score by measuring your positive mental muscles (Sage) against your negative inner critics (Saboteurs).
Why not join me on an 8-week (paid) Mental Fitness PQ Programme. Get in touch to book your seat on the Open to All starting 22nd April or CEO/ Director Pod starting 26th August 2023, where together we’ll take an even deeper dive into your resilience, work effectiveness, improving work relationships, and giving you practical tools to move from a negative to a positive mindset.
Free Resource
The greatest leaders know that leadership starts with yourself, so ask us for a free copy of our Inner Leader Workbook, helping you to explore how to tap into your Inner Leader and be the Best Version of You. The first position of leadership in our Being and Doing of Leadership programme.
Get in touch to ask for your copy today.
Great book suggestions
Personal and professional development is something we are passionate about. Probably like us, there is always something new to explore and learn from. To help you get started on CPD journey wer’ve pulled together our list of favourite Coaching, Leadership and Mental Fitness books, TEDTalks, as well as podcasts, that we love dipping into and re-reading. And remember to check out our backlog of blogs to inspire and build your confidence in your inner and outer leadership journey. Get in touch for our free book recommendations.