21 Years in Coaching.
You only have to look at the main coaching federation’s website to see the annual research as to the benefits of getting a coach. Over the past 21 years, most of these reasons have remained the same – improved focus, productivity, decision making and confidence building.
But let’s take a moment to remind you of why else you should hire a coach. I’ve merged published research alongside some of my coaching client’s anecdotes.
In no particular order, here are my top 21 reasons ‘why’ you should hire a coach.
- The ICF and Institute for Coaching found that 70% of those receiving coaching improved their performance, relationships and communication.
- One coaching client explained that for them they have, “Greatly improved my problem solving and decision making by drawing up a wheel/pie chart that has made my decisions more thoughtful, thorough and of less knee jerk type.”
- PQ Pods fed back that the 8 week programme helped them to “to kick start a change in my behaviour”.
- Those people attending the Positive Intelligence programme found that teamwork and collaboration improved by 92%.
- Staff retention is improved by 54% when hiring a coach. (ICF and Institute for Coaching)
- Those people coached said that their confidence was improved by 80%. (ICF and Institute for Coaching).
- Working with a PQ Coach via the Positive Intelligence programme, 83% of people experienced improved self-confidence.
- One coaching client shared, “I feel I have grown over the last 6 months. I am more assertive and more outspoken as I have become more confident in the value of my opinion.”
- And further on developing confidence, a coaching client told us, “The most obvious benefit is the impact it has had on my confidence in my leadership style”.
- One PQ Pod attendee said that: “Without question the programme has helped me to further develop my self-awareness and resilience enabling me to handle life’s challenges with confidence, resourcefulness and authenticity.”
- Organisations investing in coaching found that experienced higher revenues. (ICF and Institute for Coaching).
- Those attending the Positive Intelligence programme felt they used their mental and emotional energy more effectively, 90% were in agreement.
- One of the biggest take-aways from the Positive Intelligence programme was – “Understanding my saboteurs and seeing them on others. Keeping things in perspective.”
- The top 5 positive impact coaching had on leaders was: strategic goal setting, growing skills, having a positive impact on the wider team, positive social impact, and renewed energy. (ICF and Institute for Coaching).
- One coaching client explained, “I have also realised that my gut feel is normally correct, previously I would wait until I had all the facts in front of me prior to making a decision.”
- Another coaching client explained, “As a result of my sessions, I have learnt valuable coaching techniques which will help me to connect with people better, reflect and look for positives in frustrating situations and understand how emotions can affect people.”
- 84% of people feel they are better equipped for conflict management due to the Positive Intelligence programme.
- Happiness is increased by 85% as a result of attending the Positive Intelligence programme.
- 91% of people felt they managed their stress better having taken part in the Positive Intelligence programme.
- A coaching client told us, “I have also learned some good techniques that I can apply day to day in managing workload, stress, delivering difficult news and planning.”
- One PQ Pod member said, “This gives me back control of my mind”. And another commented that it gave them “The ability to have been able to gain an understanding of so many coping strategies when facing differing challenges.”
Remember, if you’d like to see what all the fuss is about, then book a free one hour sample coaching session with me, or with one of my other Co-Active Certified Professional Coaches.