Change can come about from a chance conversation, a book recommendation or an inspirational quote. “If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude.” Maya Angelou
The ABC’s of Mental Fitness It’s good to go back to basics now and again. Take a look at our ABC list of Mental Fitness and see what you can learn to do differently or do again, this month. A = ACCEPTANCE of the situation or circumstance we find ourselves in reduces the internal struggle B […]
Read More about The ABC’s of Mental FitnessIt’s been a funny ol’ year filled with hope, creativity, laughter, reinvention and screams – let’s not forget the months of screaming nightmares. As a coach I often get my clients to reflect on their highs and the lows since we last met. So, as part of my Christmas and New year well wishes, I […]
Read More about Look back in ‘AWE’For many successful leaders, being driven, looking for the next idea or connection or lead and pushing themselves and their team to the next outcome or goal probably sounds familiar. After all, to achieve the next accolade, reach that stretch objective, to find a competitive advantage is what business is all about. And what can […]
Read More about Turn FOMO into JOMOOver the years there have been many studies to explore the benefits of gratitude and the impact it has on our happiness. Some of these studies have been on content, happy and healthy people and others focusing on people who were struggling with their mental health, and in fact many undergoing counselling – both groups […]
Read More about Appreciate life with GratitudeWhen we are operating from our positive mindset we’ll notice and feel a sense of ‘ease and flow’ with what we do. You’ll recognise that feeling of being almost lost in time. We’ll notice how we’ll also feel drawn to a decision or an activity, rather than feeling pushed into having to do it, and […]
Read More about Who is ruling who?