Getting ready to write a blog

Change can come about from a chance conversation, a book recommendation or an inspirational quote. “Nurture your mind with great thoughts. To believe in the heroic makes heroes.”  Benjamin Disraeli


Swimming against a clock
Fri 22nd December, 2017

As a parent, sometimes your learning goes side-by-side with that of your children’s.  That was very much the case of swimming for me.  I could do just about a width, with my head held high and a sort of doggy paddle splash, but only if my feet could touch the ground.  As my children started […]

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Nettles and Dockleaves
Sun 11th June, 2017

If you’ve ever had a country walk and been stung by a nettle, you’ll know that typically just a few leaves along you’ll find the antidote in the form of a dock leaf.  The proximity of an antidote co-habiting with its cause is quite common in nature, often described as the ‘sting and relief’ relationship.  […]

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Walk the Talk
Sat 10th June, 2017

Walking-the-talk When I first started coaching clients I took the traditional route of coaching in their workplace or I’d hire a venue that seemed quiet and business-like for our purposes.  In the very early days when I was doing more life coaching, I’d find a nice quiet hotel where we could have coffee, biscuits and […]

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Living a life of Values
Sat 13th May, 2017

Living a life based on your values, values that guide and support your decisions on a conscious and unconscious level is something that as a coach I aim to inspire my clients towards.  Just stopping to explore the golden thread that determines your behaviours and influences your attitudes, is a powerful exercise.  But imagine, that […]

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Coaching for Diversity – Discussion from your point of passion
Fri 5th May, 2017

Are you a coach who wants to connect more deeply and authentically with your clients? Do you want your staff to be able to better anticipate the needs of your customers and clients? Or do you want your managers to better understand the unique needs of their team members to deliver higher results? Do you want […]

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