Getting ready to write a blog

Change can come about from a chance conversation, a book recommendation or an inspirational quote. “Nurture your mind with great thoughts. To believe in the heroic makes heroes.”  Benjamin Disraeli


Slipper moments
Fri 25th November, 2016

A good friend of mine used to joke with me about my ‘slipper moments’ at work and in life.  You know the kind of situation; you’d rather be sitting somewhere cosy in your slippers preferably drinking a nice cup of something instead of putting on your work clothes or work face and getting out there.  […]

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Kapow Coaching’s 10th anniversary
Fri 21st October, 2016

Celebrating achievements is a common practice for a coach and within business.   We are all familiar with the positive impact of effective recognition at work and the power of a simple ‘well done’.   Well, taking a leaf out of my own coaching book I’m making 2016 a year of celebration and an acknowledgment of 10 […]

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A balancing act
Mon 10th October, 2016

Have you ever noticed how people are half full or half empty, happy or sad, rich or poor, full or hungry or see life as either black or white?  We live in a multi-coloured and multi-faceted world with an abundance of choice, yet for most of us we seem to default to looking at life as […]

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Creating a coaching culture at work
Thu 8th September, 2016

The largest international independent coaching body, the ICF, undertook some research in 2014 to understand how coaching is being applied in a variety of small to large organisations across North America.  They found that 60% of organisations demonstrated that they had a strong coaching culture and they not only had more engaged staff, but also […]

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Life is not black and white – by Kate Flory and Di Airey
Wed 17th August, 2016

Life is not Black and White In coaching we are used to working outside of the lines.  If you believe there are only two solutions, an effective coach would encourage you to come up with 4 or 5.  If you see the world as black and white, again a coach would help you find the […]

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