Getting ready to write a blog

Change can come about from a chance conversation, a book recommendation or an inspirational quote. “Nurture your mind with great thoughts. To believe in the heroic makes heroes.”  Benjamin Disraeli


More Me time
Tue 2nd April, 2024

Something that can get in the way of proper ‘me time’ is taking advantage of healthy ‘switching off’ and ‘recharging your batteries’. Switching off usually involves as little movement or engagement, that sloth like response to doing nothing.  It’s when we simply stop and do nothing, put our feet up, take a nap or become […]

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Finding more ‘me time’
Wed 20th March, 2024

Most of my coaching and workshop clients are time poor.  They never have time operationally and many of the more people-centred areas of their jobs such as one to one check ins, even regular team meetings can quickly go by the wayside.  I’m sure that sounds familiar.  So when I ask them to take time […]

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Random Acts of Kindness
Mon 4th March, 2024

Random Acts of Kindness week in February may be new awareness week to many of us, but the premise of showing kindness and compassion to ourselves or others isn’t. Acts of kindness are beneficial to both giver and receiver and is a gift that costs nothing other than a little bit of time and small […]

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Keeping the ‘new’ in New Year’s Resolutions
Sun 14th January, 2024

As you get ready for the New Year, just about half of you will be thinking about setting some New Year resolutions.  To help you get past the first few weeks and month, here are our Kapow Coaching’s Ten Top Tips for keeping your resolutions alive. Write it down – you’re 80% more likely to […]

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This year why not make Christmas EASY? 
Tue 19th December, 2023

Enjoy Ask yourself, ‘what do I really enjoy doing?’, ‘what are the hobbies or skills I love to make use of?’  At Christmas time we often forget to take the easy option of using what we know and love, for us it’s natural or nothing really to boast about, but for others it’s a wonderful […]

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